Design and produce promotional materials

TERM OF REFERENCE Design and produce promotional materials Position / Service Design and produce promotional materials Title of the project Civil society against corruption – from a local challenge to a European response!   Supported by: European Union Type of contract: Service agreement – subject/expert in designation and production of promotional materials Timeframe Until 26.12.2025…

Shërbime dizjani grafik dhe printime

TERMAT E REFERENCES SHËRBIME DIZJANI GRAFIK DHE PRINTIME Pozicioni / Shërbimi Shërbime dizjani grafik dhe printime Titulli i projektit “Fuqizimi i grupeve vulnerabël përmes edukimit ligjor për shërbimin social!” Mbështetur nga: Agjencia për Mbështetjen e Shoqërisë Civile Lloji i kontratës: Kontratë shërbimi – Për shërbime dizjani grafik dhe printime Informacion mbi sfond ALTRI Center ALTRI…

Identification of the needs that the victims of trafficking have as well as the risks they face within the shelters due to the pandemic.

In order to identify the needs for this category, the experts of the ALTRI Center drafted the evaluation report entitled "REPORT ON THE SITUATION OF HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN ALBANIA DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC PERIOD". The purpose of the report is to collect and analyze information on the situation of victims of trafficking in pandemic times…

Enhancing the capacities of the teamwork

The youngsters who will be engaged in this initiative will undergo a two-day training on Law no. 111/2017 “On State Guaranteed Legal Aid” and the full package of social services available for the needy group in the city of Kukes, Kurbin and Lezha, with a special focus on the challenges faced by these target groups…

Bringing theory to practice!

In the framework of the initiative "Empowerment of women in the Dibra area and promotion of local products" with the support of GIZ, the project Sustainable Rural Development, together with 60 women and girls of Dibra we conducted two visits in two agro-tourism models set up in the suburban area of this region. During these…

Fair of local products

ALTRI Center on Saturday organized the Fair of local products in the city of Dibra !!! Part of the fair were the women of the Dibra area, who traded their local products ranging from forest fruits, medicinal plants, jam, traditional foods and hand loom clothes. The fair was visited by many residents of the city…