The fight against corruption starts from law students who choose integrity!

“The fight against corruption starts from law students who choose integrity!” me pershkrimin: “ The project “Fight against corruption starts from law students who choose integrity”, implemented by ALTRI Center with financial support of the Agency for Promotion of Civil Society. This project aims at raising the awareness of law students about the phenomenon of corruption…

Public consultative meeting (Elbasan, Librazhd, Pogradec and Kukes) on the Monitoring Methodology and Evaluation of the People’s Advocate Institution for social services provided by Local Government Units.

In the framework of the project “Monitoring equal distribution of social rights for vulnerable groups at national and local level (Kukës, Elbasan, Librazhd and Pogradec)”, has been drafted the “Monitoring Methodology and Evaluation of the People’s Advocate Institution for social services provided by Local Government Units”. The aim of methodology is to serve as a…

Teachers on the frontline against radicalization

“A.L.T.R.I Center has started the implemention of the project “Teachers on the frontline against radicalization!” with the support of Terre des Hommes in Albania. The aim of this project is to foster teachers’ competence to build resilience against radicalization, detect potential signs of (violent) extremism and engage youngsters. The project is foreseen to be implemented for…

Consultative meeting – Vlorë

Agenda Public Consultative Meeting on the Action Plan of the Strategy “On Public Legal Education” Vlorë, 7 May 2018,  12:30 Hotel “Pavarësia” 12:15 – 12:30 Registration of participants 12:30 – 13:00 Presentation of the purpose of the meeting and draft action plan 13:00 – 14:00 Discussion of the Action Plan of the Strategy 14:00 –…

Consultative meeting – Shkodër

Agenda Public Consultative Meeting on the “Public Legal Education Strategy” Shkodër, 21 May 2018,  11:00 Hotel “Colosseo” 10:45 – 11:00 Registration of participants 11:00 – 11:30 Presentation of the purpose of the meeting and draft action plan 11:30 – 12:30 Discussion of the Action Plan of the Strategy 12:30 – 12:45 Conclusions 12:45-13:15 Coffee break