The fight against corruption starts from law students who choose integrity!

“The fight against corruption starts from law students who choose integrity!” me pershkrimin: “ The project “Fight against corruption starts from law students who choose integrity”, implemented by ALTRI Center with financial support of the Agency for Promotion of Civil Society. This project aims at raising the awareness of law students about the phenomenon of corruption…

Teachers on the frontline against radicalization

“A.L.T.R.I Center has started the implemention of the project “Teachers on the frontline against radicalization!” with the support of Terre des Hommes in Albania. The aim of this project is to foster teachers’ competence to build resilience against radicalization, detect potential signs of (violent) extremism and engage youngsters. The project is foreseen to be implemented for…

“Monitoring equal distribution of social rights for vulnerable groups at national and local level (Kukës, Elbasan, Librazhd and Pogradec)”

With the support of GIZ Albania, A.L.T.R.I Center has started implementing the project “Monitoring the implementation of social rights of vulnerable groups at central and local level (Kukës, Elbasan, Librazhd and Pogradec)”. Through this project, the goal is to strengthen the monitoring capacities of the People’s Advocate institution towards local government units in implementing the…

An independent and professional judiciary: I shall speak-up now! Supported by Coalition “Justice for all”.

The initiative will be implemented by a Consortium composed by two organizations members of the Justice for All Coalition, namely, the European Centre and the A.L.T.R.I Centre. The overall goal of this project is to inform and educate Albanian citizens on the legal amendments derived by the juridical reform, with a special focus on the…

Promoting governance accountability through the transparency of international treaties concluded by the Republic of Albania, funded by Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) and Australian Direct Aid Program. November 2016- April 2017.

The project goal is to strengthen the Albanian governance accountability and transparency by raising the awareness for the obligations of Albania originating from international treaties concluded by the country through setting up a free accessible comprehensive electronic database of these international treaties. The initiation of this project by A.L.T.R.I is based on the needs identified…