On March 3-7, ALTRI Center organized a 6-day training with women in the Peshkopi area, within the project “Empowerment of women in the Dibra area and promotion of local products”.This is a project funded by the German government, implemented by GIZ in Albania in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.During the training days, 70 women participated in 3 training sessions.
The topics that were addressed are as follows:
How to design a business plan?
The importance of networking with different organizations and actors!
Local product promotion, marketing techniques, product labeling and packaging
The initiative “Empowerment of women in the Dibra area and promotion of local products” aims to establish and operate a business for women and girls which will create a suitable environment for their social change. This project aims to strengthen the economic empowerment of women through the promotion of traditional local agricultural products.At the end of the training, the participating women and girls were provided with certificates of participation.