Title: Project Manager
Start of assignment: 01.12.2017
End of assignment: 30.05.2019
Description of the project
ALTRI Center, in co-operation with the “Justice for All” Coalition, has drafted a project proposal on “Enhance Citizen Access to Justice through Public Legal Education” in the framework of the project “The Civic Engagement for a Functional Judiciary System and Access to Justice in Albania”, financed by the European Union and implemented by Save the Children and the Centre of Integrated Legal Services and Practices.
The project will be implemented by ALTRI, in cooperation with the Albanian “Justice for All” Coalition and aims to expand and enhance citizens’ access to justice by completing the legal and regulatory framework for public legal education in Albania and taking the first steps that lead to implementing this legal framework. To achieve this goal, ALTRI and the Coalition will: (1) Assist the Parliamentary Commission on Legal Issues, Public Administration, and Human Rights to develop the first National Strategy on Public Legal Education (NSPLE) in Albania; (2) Assist the public institution responsible for implementing NSPLE, to develop the National Action Plan (NAP) for NSPLE; (3) Train main public institutions mandated to implement NSPLE and NAP; and (4) Conduct a public information campaign on NSPLE and NAP, targeting citizens throughout Albania, with particular attention paid to disadvantaged groups of citizens. The proposed project will last 18 months and the work with the Parliamentary Commission on Legal Issues will take place in Tirana, while many of the proposed activities will be conducted throughout Albania.
Duties and responsibilities:
- Oversight of project planning and implementation;
- Drafting a detailed work plan that foresees the necessary activities to successfully complete the project;
- Determination of resources (time, money, equipment etc) needed to implement and complete the project;
- Determination of the measures and objectives upon which the project will be assessed;
- Management of project staff in accordance with the organization’s policies and practices;
- Implementation of the project according to its plan;
- Monitorimi i progresit te aktiviteteve për të siguruar përfundimin me sukses të projektit;
- Monitoring the progress of the activities to ensure successful completion of the project;
- Overseeing the work carried out by the project team to ensure the fulfillment of project standards;
- Drafting technical implementation reports of the project;
- Overseeing the implementation of budget and activities;
- Collecting data and documenting the implementation of project activities;
- Representation of the project to the donor and third parties.
- University degree in a relevant field;
- At least 2 years of previous work experience;
- Trainings and internships inside and outside the country;
- Previous experience in working with civil society;
- Excellent interpersonal and communication skills;
- Excellent ability to work under pressure and to maintain deadlines;
- Excellent knowledge of English and Albanian language, and computer literacy.
The project manager will be engaged 50% of the working time.
The interested candidates may send their CVs until 8th of November, at 17:00, to the e-mails qendra.altri@gmail.com; info@altri.al or send the hard copy to the address Rr. “Asim Zeneli”, no. 15, Tirana, Albania.